Abstract—This paper demonstrates the greenhouse gas reduction potential of the rubber industry producing motorcycle tires. By studying the potential of greenhouse gas reduction from the feasibility of circular economy measures. It was found that the motorcycle tire manufacturing industry could follow the concept of the circular economy for 2 models. Model 1: Circular Supplies Chain is the use of reclaimed rubber as a raw material to replace the use of some new rubber. The partial use of recycled carbon powder as raw material for tire production. This model has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the factory by 825 tCO
2e. Model 2: Resource Recovery is the use of scrap rubber taken from the external rubber production process. The canvas attached to the rubber is sold to the recycling factory to add value or expand into other products such as pickup truck rubber. Using off-specification ex-ternal rubber and off-specification inner rubber to burn for energy which has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the factory by 361 tCO
2e. All greenhouse gas reduction obtained from the circular economy measures is 1,186 tCO
2e. This implemented circular economy models can be applied and expanded to other factories.
Index Terms—Circular economy, rubber industry, circular supplies, resource recovery, greenhouse gas emission
W. Wongsapai is with Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand and Science and Technology Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
D. Damrongsak, N. Vorayos, and N. Jakrawatana are with Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
C. Samrittivanicha is with N. D. Rubber Public Company Limited, Chon Buri, Thailand.
K. Khiaolek, N. Kuensuwong, T. Jaithiang, and C. Ritkrerkkrai are with Energy Technology for Environment Research Center, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
*Correspondence: wongkot@eng.cmu.ac.th (W.W.)
Cite:W. Wongkot, D. Det, S. Chaiyasit, V. Natanee, J. Napat, K. Kanokwan, K. Nattaphon, J. Tassawan, and R. Chaichan, "Circular Economy in Thai Rubber Industry for Motorcycle Tires Productions," Journal of Economics, Business and Management vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 215-218, 2023.
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